Youtube was banned in Turkey for more than two consecutive years and I do not know if it is open or not. Anytime it maybe closed again.
This militaristic approaches to close web-sites is totally wrong and oppressive. Our long managing politicians from the ruling party AKP, always talk about freedom and "advanced democracy" but the only freedom I've seen so far is to cohort media. I've never heard closure of any puritanical web-sites for the last couple of years.
All websites should be free as everybody can tell whatever they want, to watch them or not is purely in the hands of the viewer.
I've a right to choose what to read and watch and it is absolutely fascistic to decide for me!!!
If someone wants to watch football games for free, it is a felony and police should catch them. I never understand the idea of obstructing my freedom to protect a financial institution.
Where is our constitution!!!
Humble opinion