Radicalism: radix means "root" in latin. a radical is someone who
believes/supports something "from the root" which means in a very orthodox way.
those who believe that there is no other way of life than what they believe are
radicals. hooligans are also some sort of radicals. according to many books and
religious confessions, faith happens between the god and the subject, so no one
can know who is the true believer (some islamic thinking, such as sufism also
defends this idea) except from the god. so, are true believers radicals? yes and
Neither books should be burned or banned. people have all sorts of beliefs and
they have the right to follow a book if this is what they want. some people also
believe in newly invented religions, like satanists, scientologists or wiccans.
the latter is especially a popularity among those young and restless nowadays
and they think that this is the one and only heathen belief! :O) why for
example, judaism is fun and wiccanism is not fun?
I love to read the old testament because it is a great historical document. u
can read there plenty about the old tribes and empires of the area, though
today's archaeologists would sometimes laugh at what's being said, this book
also helped us to know the names of many old tribes. it gives good information
about the climate , rainfall regime, flora and fauna of the region. it is also a
fun narrative.
It's wrong to burn books too. asking to ban religions is also a sort of
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