Sunday, February 27, 2011

A few words on Finland

hey i can write a few things about this country...
colors: white and yellow. this is how i will remember finland. the sky was never
blue, the sea was grey. the clouds were yellowish white for some reason. it
looked rather desolate.
people: extremely stiff and skeptical. asking something to a bypasser in the
street is a serious pain in Finland. i quickly attracted views with my rather
dark hair and fancy clothing. . wasnt harassed by people but they werent warm neither. felt
rather lonesome. perhaps as a norwegian friend says, a finn feels best when he's
sharpening a piece of wood with his knife in dark forests, thinking about grim
nature: hey it was the nice thing about this country. immense amount of wood and
lakes. ever wanted to swim-but it was too cold. u can spend time fishing
sauna: the most embarassing experience since finns demand their guests to enter
sauna naked. i tried with swimwear on but it was disturbing to see other naked
people too! it's too hot! not good for people with cardiovascular problems like
cell phones: finland is the home of nokia cell phones. everybody talks to cell
phones in the street. they choose older models while in Tr its fashionable to
own the latest phone model. finns seemed to be extremely economical people in
that sense. 
social life: couldnt socialize, really. there was a huge number of teens with
beer/vodka bottles around. they say bars and pubs are expensive and theres a
strict age limit. lotsa ferries coming and going to baltic or scandinavian
countries. it was entertaining watching them too. 
salmiakki: theres one brand with a small devil on its package. the candy is
sucky but hey i loved that little devil!! i remember to have cut them out and
stick to my notebooks... perhaps the nice but easily offendable finn who started
this thread can send me a pack!! :O) 
hygienic facilities: its not forbidden to pee in the public toilets in
Finland!!! but few finns seem to take it into account. it was rather surprising
to see such orderly people peeing in the street:O)
public transport: if you wanna ride the bus, you have to rise your hand, wave
your card to mean that you wanna ride the bus. Finland is a scarcely populated
country and buses dont stop at every bus stop...:O( took time to learn this. 

Finland is a weird phenomenon for me. once it was a country that i wanted to
visit a lot. it lost its charm the moment i set my hoofs there.

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